Dear Mr. Prime Minister - You Are Annoying My Fellow Countrymen

Sunday, August 18, 2013
That title is a generalisation.
A blatant generalisation.
Maybe Mr. Key isn't annoying all my fellow kiwis with his GCSB bill.

But tit-for-tat, Mr. Key.
You made a generalisation about us.
You said we would care more about the Snapper quota cuts than we would about the Spying bill.

I don't. I don't even like fishing.
Yes, I'm a New Zealander and I'm admitting to not liking fishing.

I am far more concerned about your proposed invasion into my privacy than I am about fish. This is not a law to protect us. This is a law against our democracy. A law against our freedom of speech and the right we have always had as New Zealanders to live our lives in freedom and without fear.

I have always voted for the National Party. I think I may even be a member. But guess what, Mr. Key - put this bill through and after the next elections you can look up my vote (I'm sure your spying bill's legislation will give you the right to do that), and you will find that I didn't vote for you or your party.

I think the honeymoon might be over Mr. Key. I liked you right from the beginning. You seemed like one of us. You seemed to love New Zealand and enjoy your job. You expressed the desire to keep our country great. It is a great country Mr. Key. One of the few great little places left on the Earth where we can live in freedom and without fear. Where we know our neighbours and our neighbours know us.

Do you want to destroy that? Do you want to take that away from us? Do you want to destroy the New Zealand you grew up in, that you love, that we all love. Because with this bill, our trust in the goodness and kindness of our fellow countrymen will slowly erode. If we can't trust the people who protect us, who can we trust?

I say it again, Mr. Key. This bill is not for our protection. Don't be deceived that we believe you on that one. We know that it is a law against our freedom. Our democracy. Our freedom of speech.
Our way of life.

So, Mr. Key, I am writing this blog post while I can. While I still have the freedom to express myself without fear of being labelled an activist or a terrorist or anti-government.

Here are a few other annoyed New Zealanders Fighting For Our Freedom

Join the Facebook Group
Sign the Petition
Email Peter Dunn the MP:

Sophie Slim 
The Simple Life
The Daily Blog


Sammy said...

Great post. I have written to Peter Dunne, John Key and Jonathan Coleman twice each. NO response. I am feeling pretty desperate.
I have nerver disagreed with something like I do with this. It does not reflect the views of the people!

Hopes Handcrafts said...

Love it Rachel! Good job!

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