Giveaway Winner, Winner, Winner!!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011
I had so much fun reading through all your comments and house name suggestions. Thank you so much. I think my love of naming homes comes from LM Montgomery, and it does seem to be a tradition in my husband's family. Both of our house names come from his ancestors and their homes. Prior Hill was the name of the farm in which his great greats lived on in Scotland. And Littlebourne was the name of an old victorian house (now demolished to make way for a highway) owned by his grandparents in Dunedin, New Zealand.

I don't really want to give up Littlebourne, but each house deserves its own name. I loved your ideas. The names that stood out to me were these ones:

Thistletwig Cottage
Whispering Pines
Willow House
Hill Top
Indian Meadows 

Just delightful.

But, now on to the important matter at hand. Drawing the winner.

Last time I numbered all the comments, wrote them down, and drew them out of a hat. But being Christmas time and trying to sell my house at the same time, I thought I'd save myself a job and use the true random number generator. Very boring I know, but it was necessary!

And here is the number it chose from the 99 entries.

And number 52 turns out to be....

Laura Jeanne from Ontario, Canada! Congratulations Laura Jeanne. I hope you'll love the shoes.


Hopes Handcrafts said...

Congrats Laura! I know she will love them, Rachel :0)

Rebekah S. said...

Congrats to the winner!

I've just gotten all caught up on what's new. I probably should have read over your blog before I sent you an email to go into detain again about how it all came about. lol

I'm looking forward to catching up with you on your blog my friend. I'm starting to feel as though I'm getting a bit more time to lurk and post. Yay! Glad the family is doing well, the kids got into that great school and a whole new journey will start. It will be interesting to hear new blog entries with all your new experiences.

Love to you my dear friend!

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