In The Orchard of Blossom

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
I am really enjoying my young orchard this year.

The trees are that little bit taller, and we haven't had the devastating 'nor-west winds so badly this Spring, and the night beetle is not yet out, so the young leaves on the cherry and plum trees are safe for now.

We are getting some beautiful twilight evenings - the lighting is wonderful, so over the weekend I went around the orchard and took some pictures of the blossom.

Here is my favourite fruit tree (and fruit) - the Quince. This tree is really a survivor! It has been broken by one of my sons (who shall remain nameless), when he tried to swing on its baby branch two days after we'd planted it.
It has also been moved the year after that, when we set up the chicken run, and it was 'in the way' according to the contractors. I came outside to find them replanting it secretly. Hmmmm. So this tree is hardy! And I'm so proud to see two little blossoms on it for the first time!

Apple Blossom is pretty too.
This is the Granny Smith! Look at all those blossoms. A bit of thinning is probably going to be needed. I always feel like a murderer when it comes to thinning.

This is my Plum tree - which is past its blossom-time. I love its lushness. It had lots of blossom this year, so I hope that the night beetle stays away this time!
And this is the heritage Monty's Surprise which is very popular at the moment. A very hardy tree and has produced two delcicious apples every year.

Here is the cherry tree - the blossom is just about gone. I haven't had any fruit off these trees, because the night beetle always ravages them - this year I plan to cover it in netting and hope the beetle won't be so bad.

On the edge of the orchard I have my berry bushes. Look at these blackcurrants! Looks like a bumper crop this year.

I really love my orchard and in about five years time it will be a beautiful place to wander in.


betty-NZ said...

I've never grown fruit trees but the blossoms are just gorgeous!

Clara said...

Beautiful, Rachel! I'd love to have a bigger orchard, but it's a little difficult when you're renting. Our apple trees (first year) aren't blossoming - not sure if that's normal or not... They aren't growing terribly many leaves, either. I sure hope they pick up soon!

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