Thankful . . .

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
There's something about Spring that makes me glad to know the Creator, to be a daughter of a God so imaginative that He made a world where there are Springs.

I am feeling thankful today because the sun is shining and summer is coming.

I have a clothesline full of clean washing - the first day I've been able to hang it all out.

I'm also reflecting on how thankful I am that in less than 2 months I will be 40 years old. I am thankful that I have lived long enough to reach that age when so many don't.

I have also been reflecting on the last 40 years and how blessed my life has been so far.  A happy childood, an interesting and adventurous youth, for so many paths I could have gone down and didn't, and for finding someone who truly loves me, even when it is not easy.

I am thankful for my husand and his care of me, and love for me when I am filled with so many flaws.
I am thankful for 4 children and one waiting in Heaven.

I am thankful for my family, and for my in-law family who make me feel part of them.

I am thankful that I still have long dark hair, and that there is not too much gray in it yet.

Today I am thankful for a boy whose chickenpox spots have stopped itching, and for a sweet 2 year old, who is sometimes not sweet, but who is very loveable.
I'm thankful that I have good neighbours who are good friends.

And I am thankful for blossom on my plum tree.


Clara said...

I just *love* spring too!! :)
Happy birthday for your birthday in less than 2 months (in case I don't get to say it at the right time!). You still look very young to me!! :) Your thankfulness is very encouraging - thank you for sharing.

Leanne said...

The sun was out up here too yesterday - soo nice to see again.
Glad the itching has stopped been thinking of you all down there.
Life is good isn't it, even with bumps in the journey!

Love Leanne

Cate said...

Finally catching up on some posts here. You truly look amazing for nearly 40 girl! And here's to another wonderful 40 years ahead for you.

Love your list of things you are grateful for x

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