A Pigeon In The Cupboard

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Last night we had a visitor.

(Just on a side note, do the words, 'last night' always make you think of the opening lines to Rebecca? "Last night I dreamed I went to Manderley")?

We'd had an early tea and with daylight-saving having started on the weekend the children, spotty as they are, were keen to get outside and play. We discovered a young pigeon on our deck. He was quite happy exploring and picking up the dead worms. Then he wandered out onto the lawn and in the rosebushes. He seemed quite tame as we could get up really close and take photos and he didn't rush away. I noticed he had two bands around his legs.

I phoned our neighbour who is a school principal but really should be a vet, he knows everything about animals. He said that the pigeon is probably tired and disoriented and will find a place to sleep and then fly home in the morning. We fed him some oats, soaked in water and then left him to it. Last we saw was him walking towards a neighbour's house.

A couple of hours later Teddy came to me in the living room.
"The pigeon in the sewing cupboard is so cute."

I told him not to be silly and to go back to bed.

"Did you put the pigeon in your sewing cupboard to sleep, Mummy?"
I really thought he was being silly and making up stories - it's not like he hasn't done it before!

Until he convinced me with his, "no, really, there is!" I thought I better take a look.

I was quite happy for him to stay there - aren't they funny the way they sleep on one foot!
But Rob assured me that I would regret it come morning, so we took him into the garage.

When Rob went to work this morning he was perched high up on top of the filing cabinets. When I left to take Teddy to the school bus, there was no sign of him, so he must have flown out and gone home. Hopefully.

But Teddy had some lovely news and a couple of photos hurriedly printed out to take to school today for his 'news day.'


betty-NZ said...

Now that's quite a story! I love it that he didn't mind being in the house or moved.

Leanne said...

LOL in the sewing cupboard - no way!
hope not too much poop - our doves make an awful mess.

Love Leanne

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