"Bye, Bye, Silly Boys"

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I think my 6 year old has had his senses offended.

There was a little girl in his class, who happened to be moving up to the next class. On her last day in Teddy's class she parted with these words flung at my boy and his friend.

"Bye, bye. Silly boys."

I tried not to laugh or smile as he told me this with a serious, shocked look on his face. I don't think anyone had ever called him a silly boy before. He was quite offended.

I've heard the same story every night for the past week. We're working on how not to hold a grudge.

If you ever want a bit of amusement arrange to spend a couple of hours at your local school with the 12 year olds. I had to do this yesterday when I finished the school community newsletter and recruited a group of Year 8 kids to come and help print, fold, staple and distribute 300 copies.

It was actually fun. They were very chatty, very smart, quite funny for 12 year olds and quite happy to distribute information about the school and their teachers. I heard all about the "3-headed dragon" teacher.
I said I thought she was really nice and that I liked her alot.

"But you're not a kid and you don't have to sit in her class."

I learned all about who is the grumpiest teacher, who shouts the most, who is the nicest, the strictest and what happens when you poke your tongue out at a teacher!

Yes, I recommend a few hours of voluntary work at the school. It's highly amusing.


betty-NZ said...

It's always interesting to hear a kid's point of view as the moment arrives!
Good on you for volunteering!

Cate said...

You are really getting a taste of being a school mum aren't you? Way to go - and it is amusing what you learn isn't it? ;-)

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