A Hardy Little Soul

Monday, April 25, 2011
Does an apple have a soul? I don't think so. But this little three year old apple tree has withstood some fearsome winds this last summer. In fact, most of the beautiful little blossoms that I photographed last Spring grew into many tiny little apples, only to be blown off their branches by our terrible 'nor-west Canterbury winds.

But our little Monty's Surprise (heritage) Apple Tree withstood the weather and two little hardy apples managed to hang-on and grew and grew and ripened and reddened and here is the last one, ready to pick.

Now what to do with these two strong little apples. Apple tart?

I've been putting off picking this last one, because it looks so pretty, and adds a little dot of colour in my fast-fading autumn garden. But it must be done.
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