Little Moments Monday

Monday, November 29, 2010
Well, here I am back again for my self-inflicted little moments that happen on a Monday. As I have blogged before, Monday's are not my favourite day of the week, so this is my way of having something positive to blog about on a Monday.

* I think roses are the only flowers that look better cut and in a vase, than leaving to bloom on the plant.

* Does it count as a weight loss exercise to leave the air-conditioning off all day so that the house feels like a sauna?

* Little blonde curly-haired baby girls look sweet in candy-floss coloured pyjamas.

* There are two words in the english language that I love to say. Sea mist. There's something very mysterious and alluring about a sea mist, and I watched one slowly creep in from the Pacific Ocean this afternoon.

* Corn seed does not take long to germinate in hot weather.

* Hillary Lang's little dolls are wonderful and fun to make. I'm making one for Alice's Christmas present.

*Vanilla Coke with ice is perfection on a hot day.

* Children love to look through the junk mail that comes through the letterbox. It's great entertainment for them.

* I like to rescue spiders that get stuck in the bathtub. My two boys do not understand that!

1 comment :

Leanne said...

Monday's are my busiest days of the week too.

LOVE the doll you are making. What a treasure!

Love Leanne

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