May Day Giveaway

Monday, May 17, 2010
Hello! And welcome to my contribution to the Sew, Mama, Sew May Day Giveaway. I live way down under in the beautiful country of New Zealand - but I am happy to post my giveaway internationally.

I'm giving away these dear little handmade baby shoes that I made especially for the giveaway. I have a pair just like it that I made for my baby girl, Alice. They are made from pressed New Zealand wool have a little mother-of-pearl button on the side.

They are about 4 inches long, and would fit a 6-12 month old, or they'd just look adorable sitting on top of a dresser. The sole is made from wool too, so is nice and soft for a baby's foot.

If you would like to enter for the giveaway, please leave a comment - I will randomly draw the winner on Friday (New Zealand time), May 21 (which is actually Thursday, May 20 in the USA), and tell me what part of the world you hail from. We Kiwi's love to travel, but we're rather isolated down here, surrounded by oceans of water.

So thanks for visiting - I hope you like the shoes, and Good Luck!


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Amber said...

oh my goodness - these are adorable! I'm from Hawaii - across the Pacific from you :-)

Sena said...

Hello there!
These shoes are mighty pretty! I would love to gift them to my newborn niece! :)
xoxo from Malaysia.
sena.sagani [at]gmail[dot]com

Xena said...

they are just devine and would be perfect for my grand daughter.

Selina said...

Those are adorable shoes!

Seaside Siblings said...

Would love to win these for my wee girl. I am from Christchurch, so probably not far from you!

Paula Lemos said...

Hi, I'm Paula and I live in Portugal. The baby shoes are lovely and yesterday I learned that I'm going to have a new niece or nephew so this would be wonderful for the new baby.
Thank you for the great giveaway!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

Heartful said...

I won't participate in the giveaway as I don't have a little bubba to give them to, just wanted to say what GORGEOUS little shoes they are! I heart baby shoes.

Anonymous said...

I wish they were adult sized!!! Great giveaway, I'd love to enter - my new nephew would look gorgous in them.

Virpi said...

My friend just got her 9th baby, 3rd girl. This would be a wonderful gift for her =)

Katrin said...

These are soo cute! I am from Hamburg, Germany, lots of water here as well.

Katherine said...

Greetings from Auckland! Red and white is my favourite colour combination at the moment, and I'd absolutely love for these wee shoes to come live at my house.

Rachael said...

How cute are those shoes! Would make a perfect gift. I am in Christchurch, NZ.

make it perfect said...

just adorable!!!

andrea creates said...

Those are really cute shoes:)
I'm currently in Ohio USA
I'm participating in the Sew Mama Sew giveaway too~be sure to stop by :)

Kristin said...

Those are sooo adorable!
And feel free to visit my giveaway too!
seemommysew @ gmailDOTcom

Wild Woman said...

oh! oh! oh! I simply adore these little shoes and my little girl is six months old so they are exactly the right size! I will be crossing all my fingers and toes in hopes that i will be the lucky winner! They are just gorgeous!

Little Cooties said...

ADORABLE!!!!! sooooo cute! I wish I could wear them!

Abie said...

I'm for Georgia in the southeastern part of the US ^_^

abigail.lee {at}

p.s. those shoes are so adorable!

Mookie's mom said...

These are adorable!
I am from Western MA, USA

Kendra Sheree said...

ahh, I love these . . . they're just absolutely adorable.

Anonymous said...

They are so precious! Please count me in. Thanks so much for a great giveaway.
:) Amelia
ameliasliedrecht at yahoo dot com

burlap+blue said...

just lovely--would love to have these!

Anonymous said...

Oh my golly! So adorable! My lil guy needs these lol

Olivia said...

Hello from Pennsylvania in the U.S!

These shoes are adorable! They makes me want to have more babies to fill them with!

However, our first nephew arriving in June will have to be the lucky recipient instead!

Emily B said...

Those are lovely. I like the wrap-around design! I'm in Canada!

Sally said...

Gorgeous booties. So very adorable.
From the most isolated city in the world... Perth, Australia :)

Tiziana said... sister will have soon a baby Gaia!!!
It would be nice to see those super-cute shoes at her feet!!!I'm from Italy. Ciao!

La Yen said...

Those shoes are so sweet--and would be perfect here, in West Texas USA

Anonymous said...

I live in Canada- a prairie province.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Jenny said...

I think I'm going to win!

Kelli Staggs said...

OH my word these are the cutest things ever!!

Justine said...

Gorgeous shoes! I just Love NZ you're very lucky to live there!

throuthehaze said...

Adorable! I am in Virginia (US)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Eema-le said...

They're so cute. I'd love to win them. Thanks.

ninjaeema (at) aol (dot) com

Jocelyn said...

What an adorable giveaway! Thanks for participating in SMS giveaway day. And thanks for entering me!

Moa said...

gorgeous little shoes!

Amy said...

Greetings from Virginia, on the East Coast of the USA. Those dear little booties are adorable! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win.

Erin B said...

Stunning! I'm from Calgary Canada - 1 hour from the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

Anonymous said...

Wow, there's no other word for those shoes but 'adorable'! Thank you for the chance to win one of your creations :) Come on over to Button & Bean for a chance to win my giveaway!

sb said...

I'm from Arizona originally but live in Texas here in the USA. We love to travel too, but have only made it to Europe and the Caribbean thus far. I'd LOVE to go to NZ!

These shoes would look grand on my 13-month-old's tiny feet. But, if they don't end up fitting, I have a niece due to arrive in a few months.

james and bess said...

WOW - those are so cute!!

bess in kentucky :)

Leanna said...

Cute cute! And hello from Dallas, Texas!

Kay Lynne said...

Aren't those cute! I'm from Northwest Ohio.

Anonymous said...

Oh, those are ADORABLE! Would be great for my little Liam, coming up on six months in June! (We're in the US, Washington State!)

westcoastwilsons AT gmail DOT com

Alli Forsyth said...

THese are so cute....Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Morgan said...

I live in Sweden.
Those are suuuuuch cute shoes! I love the red- cheery. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

oh my niece would look gorgeous in those! thanks! i'm in austin, texas....:)

Liz said...

Those are beautiful.
Love living in Austin Texas!

Shannon said...

Those shoes are adorable. I'm from Kirkland, Washington in the USA.

ilovebabyquilts said...

So cute! I'd love to win these for my new step grandchild.

allsewnup said...

Those are so sweet. I hail from the Saskatchewan prairies in Canada.


Tara said...

Adorable! Do you have a tutorial for these? Thanks for the chance to win!

Red Mona said...

um, those are just the cutest little things I've seen!

B @ Sweet Limes said...

Those are seriously the most gorgeous slippers I have ever seen for a little one. I'm from Canada!


Leigh said...

I'm from Wisconsin in the USA, and those shoes are the cutest thing ever!!!

Nadescha said...

beautiful work! i am expecting my first baby in november, so these would be perfect in about another year or two :-)
please also check out my giveaway at
kiwi living in vienna :-D

Sarah O. said...

My daughter would look so adorable in these shoes!

Jennifer Ladd said...

I L-O-V-E these!We are adopting a baby girl from Ethiopia (hopefully soon!) and I would love a pair of these for her!! I'm crossing all fingers and toes that I win!

I'm from Milwaukee, Wisconsin - it's in the middle of the US, right on Lake Michigan.

Thanks for the chance to win!
jennifereladd at yahoo dot comm

Artemis said...

those are absolutely beautiful :) I'm in Newfoundland Canada! Happy giveaway day!

A'n'G Johnson said...

Oh they are just too cute!

momma rae said...

these shoes are one of the sweetest things i have EVER seen!! so, so cute! thanks for the opportunity!

Jenn said...

Those shoes are so cute! I'm having my 2nd daughter in August and they would be perfect for her! -from New Orleans, Louisiana

Wendymoon said...

wow these shoes make me want to have a baby! Fortunately I know of a little one on the way that these would be perfect for. And I'm up here in Chicagoland. :-)

Katie said...

These are too cute! Thank you for the giveaway!

Foster Momma said...

They are too precious! What a great giveaway! I'm from Pennsylvania!

affectioknit said...


CraftyHourMom said...

very sweet shoes! I'm in Alberta, Canada.

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

They are adorable. Hello, I am from Canada.


Rebecca said...

Beautiful stuff!

Morgan said...

Adorable! I love how you say they would look nice sitting on a dresser - most of the cute baby shoes did just that and were outgrown before I ever put them on the kiddo. I'm in the country part of New York. :)

Unknown said...

Rachel, how sweet are those shoes and I loved the spoon story. My children always walked away with the spoons but mine were the more ordinary stainless steel. I live in the USA, New England, Massachusetts to be exact.

Amapanther said...

Hi! I am from Jacksonville!
thanks for the giveaway!

Rhyah-- said...

oh my, these would be perfect for my 10 month old son! Thanks for the giveaway!

Writing from Chicago.

Wehaf said...

Those are so darling!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Cat said...

Wow - I'm swamped under all of your comments!!

Gorgeous shoes - you are so clever girl. Hope you have a great day :-)


luke and pamela said...

these are absolutely gorgeous!!!
thanks for giving! i am from arizona, usa but am currently in michigan. my husband just applied for a job in auckland, so i'm going to follow your blog in hopes of learning more about life there!

Tori said...

Those are gorgeous! I'm from the Northeastern United States in Pennsylvania.

going kiwi said...

How sweet are those shoes. I am in California and my sister lives in Rotorua. We hope to move to NZ soon, hence the Going Kiwi :) Great giveaway, thanks

Anonymous said...

What adorable little shoes!

Unknown said...

How adorable! I have a weakness for red shoes.

Amanda said...

these are so cute! love them

Katie said...

These are adorable! Thanks for the chance to win!

StephanieS said...

These are really lovely. I'm in Nashville, TN. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

These are so very very cute! Thanks for offering them!

artwords said...

ohhhh how precious these are. i Want these for our bebe that will arrive this november!

Gosfam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gosfam said...

I have a lot of friends that just had baby girls. One of them would love if I won them for them. Now which one would I give them too? Thanks for the chance. I am from Washington State, USA!!

mattles22 at yahoo dot com

Carla said...

Those shoes are made for a Canadian baby (like mine) as our flag is red & white!

Thanks for a great giveaway!

amystagner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
amystagner said...

I'm in North Carolina (USA)!

OMG! These are TOO cute! My little one, she will be 6 weeks old this week, would look so cute in them!

Leeann said...

Hi these shoes are adorable, and so well made. I'd love to win them to give to my cousin who is having her first baby in August. Its been a long haul for her as she is 42, and has been wanting a baby for years. But we are all excited for her that Baby is finally on its way! I'm in Whangarei, NZ

Hunter Cox Family said...

This shoes are adorable! So cute! I am from U.S. in the State of Utah.

Leslie said...

hi i am LEslie, i live in NY...these are the absolute cutest little shoes. thanks for being willing to share.

Holly @ BeachCoveJewelry said...

I am from an Island in Washington State :)

beachcovejewelry at gmail dot com

Peggy said...

We just moved from Alaska to Indiana (smack dab in the middle of the USA...)

What adorable baby shoes!

Fowl Single File said...

Greetings from Washington State where it's currently raining but very, very lush and green outside! Thanks for giving me a chance to win these lovely booties!

JJ said...

These are so precious! I have 18 pregnant friends so I am sure I could find a use for them!!

Unknown said...

What a great give away, I have a niece expecting in Nov. and those would be perfect for her! I live in Florida, where we are in the middle of a thunderstorm! I hope I win!
Jenny in Florida

shelia said...

so sweet i can't stand it!!!!! beautiful craftsmanship :)

MaryAnne said...

Would gorgeous baby shoes, fabulous giveaway!

thriftycraftmama at gmail dot com

A Life Less Complicated said...

These would be perfect for my niece Ella - I love them!

Matteson Family said...

Hello I am located in Providence, Rhode Island. Those shoes are so adorable.. I would love to learn how to make them.

nela said...

those are so much goodness!

Kaitlyn said...

SO cute! I love them and wish I was surrounded by oceans instead of flat land.

(Alli Jagoda) said...

I live in Minneapolis, MN USA. We wear shoes here too so this would be great to have!

Tottery said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tottery said...

Hello from sunny Southern California!

The boots look absolutely adorable.

thetottery AT gmail DOT com

Lisa @ Life with 4! said...

wow! I can't believe you are giving these little shoes away! they are adorable.

And I've enjoyed looking around your blog... your kids are super cute! I'm sure I'll be back to visit you again.

Katie said...

The shoes are so cute, and would fit my daughter perfectly! I'm from Washington state in the US.

Hilda said...

oh wow these shoes are perfect! I've been really into making baby booties lately so these are right up my ally!

I'm from Calgary Alberta, canada! New Zealand is at the top of my travel list though!

Rachel Locke said...

Those are the cutest shoes!! :)
I am from Mississippi. Southern US.
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway.

Made for You by Amy Plew said...

What gorgeous little shoes!!!

Willa said...

I am in North Carolina in the US.

These shoes are so very cute. I love the addition of mother of pearl buttons.

camelama said...

Oh these are simply *gorgeous*. I have a friend who just announced a pregnancy, I'd give them to her! :) I'm from Seattle, up in the Pacific Northwest - the NW corner of the USA. Rain, greens, mountains, water, islands - come visit! :)

Lise said...

Thank you for this great giveaway! I love these shoes! Crossing my fingers...

elaine said...

The little red shoes are so sweet- thankyou for the chance!

Elaine R

Noreen said...

Those are super cute! Lovely gift idea.

Sara said...

Those shoes are darling! I live in New Hampshire, USA


Tara Celeste said...

I would love these shoes for my baby who is due in October! I'm from the US, specifically Rhode Island.

Vic said...

They're little.
They're cute.
Most importantly.... they're RED!

They need to come here! They do! For my baking bubba two!

Kristen said...

I'm from Northern should definitely come to San Francisco!

couponboss at gmail dot com

A Little Of A Lot said...

I would love to win these for my brand new niece.
Thanks so much for the chance

db said...

my daughter's name is alice, too!

those are gorgeous. can i have some in my size too?


we are in the states, in AZ.

thank you for the chance to win!

Sara Serna said...

These are darling! I'd love to win them for my first baby who's due to arrive in December!

Amy Seven-Stitches said...

Beautiful shoes. They would look lovely on my little one. Nice NZ blog too. I will have to come back here.

Mia J. said...

These are so cute. I would love to win them for my friend who is expecting. Thanks for the chance.

Addy said...



Jessica Jo said...

Yes. We could use these here in NM.

Annie said...

Wow, these are so adorable! I'm currently in Oregon, USA. It's beautiful here, especially in the summertime!

Colleen said...

These shoes are absolutely adorable. I'm in Utah, USA.

hilary said...

Adorable! I'm in NYC, NY, USA.

Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys) said...

These shoes are so sweet and in such a wonderful colour! Too bad my girls aren't babies any more, but we do know lots of friends having babies who would appreciate these pretty shoes.

:) Deb
debyeo at hotmail dot com

Liz said...

Oh, these are just so ridiculously cute! I would love to give these to my best friend's daughter.
I live just outside of Detroit Michigan. We aren't quite as surrounded by water as you are, but we have more than our fair share!

Deb Robertson Writes said...

Oh they are adorable! It's nice to find another kiwi blogger too xxx (I have a giveaway on my blog if you want to pop over and visit)

Julianne said...

How cute! I'm due with #2 in January (beginning of our winter) so those would be perfect! I'm in Ohio, USA. I've actually traveled to New Zealand once. I went to wellington then was on a fishing vessel doing research for a while. Then went to the south island and drove about halfway down the east coast. It was amazing!!

Anonymous said...

These are really cute!
*Debbie from NY

Linda T said...

Very cute! Hello from Canada!

Mary said...

I live in Wisconsin, USA. Would love to visit NZ some day!

merlinthecat said...

awww so cute. Thank you for the chance to win! They would be perfect here (Michigan USA)in the winter

Stacey - Elle Belle said...

I love love love these! I have a little that would be beyond cute sporting these on her tootsies :) I'm in the US, sunny Florida. stacey at ellebellebaby dot com

Amanda ~ A Crafty Fox said...

I am from Florida in the United States and I now live in Utah! Those little shoes are just so cute and adorable! Thank you for a very generous giveaway!

amandaewoodruff (at) yahoo (dot) com

Sarah said...

These shoes are adorable!!

Rachael said...

I would love to win these for my friend who is having her first baby girl on Friday!

Unknown said...

Oh, yay, baby shoes! Please count me in! I'm from New York State, but the rural part that nobody ever associates with New York (unless they're from there, of course). thorandellie[at]gmail[dot]com

Meghan said...

Those are adorable! Please count me in. megp47 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

These are adorable! I know tons of babies that I could give these too if I won. :)

Monica said...

Love the shoes for my seven-month old, Haley! We are in Irving, TX, USA...

Carrie said...

I'm from Colorado and these would be adorable on my niece!


Montessori Bee said...

Here is the US (pennsylvania) I am loving those shoes!!

Brooke said...

so cute! love the shoes... your blog is adorable... kids are REALLY cute!

Lisa Bee said...

Those are beautiful tiny shoes. I love them. I'd love to gift them to one of my many friends who is having a baby in the next few months.

Amy Cook-Kane said...

Those are so cute and my 4 month old daughter would look so cute in them. You are very talented!

FlowerMomma said...

OMG, these are soooo sweet!

Tara said...

I'm Tara from Montreal, Canada. I think those shoes are too cute! Thanks for this wonderful giveaway.

Susie said...

Oh my! My babies are too small, but these would be perfect for our new god-daughter!! thanks for the giveaway!

Adam S. said...

I call from berkeley ca, and I am crazy or those shoes!

Jessy said...

Those little shoes are absolutely beautiful! I am from Calgary, AB in Canada and I dream of one day visiting Australia and New Zealand.

Rachel C said...

These are so cute!!! I'm writing from Indiana, but I'd love to travel someday...
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Sarah said...

I'm from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Lisa said...

They are the cutest thing I have seen on all the giveaways I've been to so far!

Kristy said...

Those are fantastic shoes. Do oyou have a tutorial for them?

Unknown said...

These are so precious! Thanks for the chance to win!

jackiecollyer at hotmail dot com

MooBear Designs said...

My bestie just had a baby and I know they would go to a very handmade friendly home!!

xo Steph

SisterlyLove said...

Those are amazing. So beautiful. My niece would be in love with these. :)

I'm from beautiful Oregon!


Lisa said...

Absolutely adorable shoes! I'm from the middle of Washington state in the US.

Skooks said...

I have always wanted to go to NZ! I live in MI in the US. Not nearly as exciting, though I do like living here!


Jimi said...

I would love to see those on my son, now 3 months old, when he starts to walk on the NV desert!!

Addie K said...

Oh my those shoes are precious! I love the color and pearly buttons. They'd make a great gift for my friend who recently visited, and loved, NZ. I hail from the San Francisco Bay Area. Thanks for the giveaway.

Serena said...

Oh my, they are scrumptious! Thank you so much for the chance!

Lichtlein said...

WOW, what a wonderful idea!
I'm deeply impressed.

Kind regards from Germany
Claudia alias

Clares Place said...

so cute! I too am having a giveaway feel free to pop in:

TwoWishes Tara said...

Lovely! My baby is over a year old now, but luckily sister-in-law got pregnant just in time for me to start collecting pretty tiny things all over again... :) Oh, and I'm in Washington, DC (US).

twowishesblog at gmail dot com

tscd said...

Those are SO cute!

Hui-Wearn said...



Cat said...

Hahaha - I had to come back to see how many comments you were up to!! Most impressive girl :-)

Was also having a think about your shoes - are they easy for a beginner like me to make if you held my hand? I'd love to make something little for me new twin nieces back in Australia, but being a non-sewer, need help!

Lyndal said...

Oh these are so adorable! Baby coming in our house so would be just perfect if I was the lucky one! :-) (Australia)

Little Ladybird said...

So lovely!

Kelly Rachel said...

Oh.....cute cute cute cute!!! Lil' red shoes...what more could a person want. I don't have any babies presently - my youngest is 5 - but I do have a friend who is having a baby. Though honestly, I think I would put it on my 'shelf of cute things'. Yes I do have such a shelf. :)

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Brooke said...

Wow, what talent! These shoes are beautiful. I would love to win them.

*kate said...

I am not sure I can live without these. I didn't even know I needed them until just now.

You have a lovely blog. Your children are beautiful. Please visit my giveaway. For some reason I am not listed in the "will ship internationally" spot, but I will ship internationally. :-)

smooze13 said...

Columbus, Ohio, USA
I love the bold red!

Mama Spark said...

These might just be too cute for words! I hail from Canton, Michigan in the US. We are surrounded on 3 sides by water, not quite as much as you but LOTS of fresh water!

by Daisy said...

adorable!!! yummy!!! baby shoes are just the most perfect thing!!! i would keep them safe and sound until a baby arrived, which i hope will be soon!!!

Peach Rainbow said...

So cute!
I'm from Sri Lanka, bit similar to you - surrounded by water!

michelle n. said...


Julia said...

these shoes are so cute! i just fell in love with them.
it would be great winning them, cause my cousin just got a little daughter.
regards from germany!!

Ann said...

Hi. The shoes are so cute perfect for my best friends baby girl. I was from Auckland but am now in AU.
Thanks for the giveaway.


Just JaiCi's Crafts said...

super darling!
My husband is from Fiji and has done travel in New Zealand...i would love to visit someday...

Tracy said...

Oh my goodness these are darling little shoes!!! I am from Vancouver, BC, Canada. Thanks for the opportunity!

Hanna said...

What adorable little shoes! Thank you for the chance to win. I'm from Vancouver, BC. My brother-in-law is a Kiwi, we're hoping to come and visit beautiful New Zealand soon!

CaLynn said...

Oh too cute! My close friend is having a baby soon and these would be a wonderful gift! Thank you for the opportunity to win them:)

I live in America, near Chicago, Illinois. I would die to visit you kiwis! :D :D

Megan said...

Those are so cute! I love the polka dot lining. I live in the Washington DC area.

Gill said...

These shoes are so beautiful - I would love to win
I'm from the UK but I have family in New Zealand and I would love to visit one day!!


Stephanie said...

I have a 6 month old that would just love to get her toes in those. lol

Barb said...

Those are the most adorable shoes! I live in British Columbia, Canada. Thank you for the great chance to win.

Unknown said...

Greetings from Washington DC! What an amazing give away! We have several new babies in our friend group so this would be perfect! Here's hoping I win! I'm at meg(dot)thurgood(at)gmail(dot)com!

baukje said...

Absolutely lovely, I think Our daughter love them for her new-born baby......

FridoLi said...

Hello from Sweden!
Adorable little shoes!!

Sarah said...

Oh those are just lovely! I am visiting from Ottawa, Canada.

Thanks for the chance to win :)

Jenny said...

my babies are grown out of this size of shoe, but i would love to display them...and lend them out to my friends babies a time or two. they are just too sweet for words.
i am from Indiana...we are land locked...flat lands...a very boring state to drive thru should you ever visit! thanks for a chance.

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