Five on Friday- Feb 2015

Saturday, February 28, 2015
This year I've decided to join in with Amy from Love Made My Home, with her Five on Friday meme. While it is technically Saturday here in New Zealand, the Five in Friday originates in England, and it's Friday there, so that is my disclaimer!

1. Last week we went and had fish and chips on the beach with our niece Kristina, from Auckland, and I allowed my son to have a play with my good camera, a Canon. It wasn't until a few days later when I was looking at the new photos downloaded onto my laptop, that I was stunned with how good he is at photography. He always seems to get an interesting, unique angle on things.

2. We have had quite a few big bills come in at this time of the year. School fees, birthdays, sports fees, uniforms, the extra cost of my son having to learn French through the Correspondence School (long story, but if you are a friend on Facebook, you will have heard my rants on that), along with the usual bills of rent and petrol and power and food. So this week, food was way down the list and I've been using up what was in the pantry and freezer, and so grateful for family who live near by and have established fruit trees so we have had fresh fruit to pop into the kids' lunchboxes. And there is nothing prettier than a little grove of bountiful fruit trees.

3. It is still very hot here in New Zealand. I am a creature who prefers the cold. After studying my ancestry this week, I think I know why..... my ancestors hail from the Orkney Islands in the far north of Scotland, and Stewart Island in the far south of New Zealand. Hardy people from harsh environments. So after school, on the days that we can make it, we've been going up to my brother in law's pool to cool off. Diving into the water I can almost hear my body breathing a sigh of relief.

4. Since my husband Rob started his new job he now works from Tuesday to Saturday, which means we get Monday all to ourselves while the children are at school. It is awesome! So this is what we did last Monday. Had a luxurious hour by ourselves at a local cafe, Nourish. When you have 4 children these times are treasures.

5. Funny little notes written by a six year old.

Linking in with Amy:


Kathy said...

Ah, we are longing for some warm weather. It's still so cold in the UK. Love the little note. How sweet.

Lisa from @intotheglade said...

Ah the pool, what a luxury that must be! The fruit looks lovely and the cafe too, those days when there is just the two of you do seem few and far between when the children are little. Have a lovely rest of your weekend x

Rosie said...

I can imagine how lovely it must be to bathe in that pool in such warm weather. I love the little note about the bug:)

kathy b said...

oh that bug note is just too cute

Amy at love made my home said...

Sorry to be so late popping by. Five great things, well, the dead bug is sad, but a funny note! It is interesting that you hale from islands that are so far apart from each other, but have somehow come together isn't it. I hope that you find some cool soon. Thank you so much for joining in, great to have you taking part. I hope to see you again. Hope you are having a great weekend. xx

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