Sweet As Honey

Tuesday, September 9, 2014
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It's a funny coincidence that I was asked to review these products this week, because I had just started my detox from refined sugar. Be gone evil white sugar. And I was switching over to use a Stevia extract when 4 days into my new regime I broke out in hives! Did you know you can be allergic to Stevia? So while I didn't want to go back to white sugar, but also wanting to get the stevia rash out of my system before I tried anything else, I turned to my old friend.


Ahhhh, the comfort of knowing I can eat sweet and be safe from skin breakouts.

And I have been finding there are so many uses for honey.

Mother Earth have just come out with a new range of honey, made by our very own, precious New Zealand Bees. And my family have promptly made quick work of the Clover Blend Honey and it is nearly all gone.

This is the flavour of my childhood. Clover honey is my favourite. It is a warm, rich flavour of New Zealand hills and meadows and sunny days and the sweet, sweet engulfing aroma of our provincial apiaries and hives. I love it!

So this week I have used the Mother Earth Honey in baking for the kids' school lunches (my rice-bubble cake recipe is here), smoothies, honey butter, caught one of the kids eating it by the spoonful, honey on toast for breakfast, salad dressings, spoonfuls drizzled over porridge, and for one sweet boy, a hot lemon drink to soothe his coughing.

Have you ever made sweet butter? It is one of those things that I miss from my time in the USA. It's really good to use with bread or vegetables, or cheese and crackers. Maybe some of my American readers can suggest other uses for it - but you should try it, it's really a taste sensation.

Just soften any amount of butter and when it is soft enough to mix, pour some of the Mother Earth liquid honey into the butter mix to taste. Then use a spatula to mix it all in until it's whipped up lovely and soft and creamy.

I have used the liquid honey quite a bit this week. Usually, I melt what I need in a small pot, but to have it on hand without having to make another dirty dish has been helpful, especially since I have been making so many smoothies.

Do you like honey? And what do you use it for?

The Mother Earth range of honeys are now available nationwide in the grocery stores, and range in prices, from the small just-for-me 250gram pot to a large 500gram family-sized pot.
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