A Book To Go Swoonie Over

Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Have you started thinking about Christmas yet?
I've been squirrelling away little gifts here and there, but I still have the bulk of my shopping to do.
And I've been thinking books this year.
Partly because they make such amazing gifts if you have children in your life, and just about everyone loves a new book. And you usually score major brownie points with the parents if you give a book as a gift to a child.

So I was thinking I might do a few posts in the lead up to Christmas of some of the books on my shopping list.

The one book that tops my list this year is one written by my friend Simone from GreatFun4Kids. She has a most awesomely famous blog and is such a lovely person too.

Her book has just come out - so it's fresh off the press. And look at the amazing cover. Isn't it gorgeous!

When asked about her inspiration for the story, Simone says,

"This story was originally written as a gift for my children in Christmas 2011. The idea came to me as I was pondering how baby Jesus’ arrival on Earth was not at all what any of us humans (in all our wisdom) would have chosen if we wanted to change the world.  I got to wondering what the Angels must have thought of God’s plan - would they have been any less surprised at the idea of the Prince of Heaven being born in a Manger?"

I can't wait to read it to my own kiddies. 

I think Miss A is going to go swoonie over the baby angels. How sweet is that!

For New Zealanders you can order a copy here.
Or you can buy it here and use the 20% discount code:  4FXUJ2SX for 20% discount 
It's also on Amazon! 

The story that Simone wrote was turned into a Christmas play by St. Paul's church in Auckland a year or so ago. So if you want a living sneak peak at the story, here it is….. I warn you though, you will be smitten!

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