Friday Night Fireworks

Saturday, November 13, 2010
We had a belated Guy Fawkes last night. Our favourite neighbours came over to join us, the kids stayed up late. It was a beauiful evening. One of those lovely evenings after a really hot day where everything is warm and still and fragrant. Well, it would have been fragrant in a nicer way if it hadn't been for the fresh aroma of you-know-what wafting over from the dairy farm over the hedge.
But the kids had fun, although Teddy, for all his bravado before the fireworks began, burst into tears when the loud, banging rockets shot away into the sky above our heads, so I spent most of the time with him inside behind the safety of the glass doors. (But secretly I'm scared of fireworks myself, so I didn't mind).
In the end, the Sparklers came out, and Meredith suggested we all do a Fairy dance, which the men kindly declined (awww, poor sports)!

1 comment :

Tan Family said...

What a beautiful blog! Makes me want to come and live in New Zealand. :)

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