Letterbox Picnic

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
August days. Still a snap in the air, but the sun is creeping higher and higher.

Sunday afternoon was warm and sunny and lighthearted. The younger children asked if they could take a picnic lunch down to the little creek that runs past our gate.
Alice and I wandered down with them.

In between waving at the neighbours as they drove past, we sat on the warm, dry grass by the letterbox, enjoying the sunshine and showing Alice how to throw stones into the water. Squeels and giggles as it splashed up on our faces.

It's a winter creek, as it dries up in the summer, so we enjoy it while we may.


Clara said...

What fun! My children enjoy picnics too :) The creek is very pretty - I LOVE creeks and dream of living on farmland with a creek running past the house!!! :D

Anonymous said...

What a lovely day out for you all! The weather has packed in again here - hope it's nicer down your way :-)

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