Letting In The New Year

Sunday, January 1, 2012

We have a tradition for the new year.
I don't know the origin of it, or if it has any meaning, but it's a little tradition I rather like.

At the stroke of midnight, as we kiss goodbye to the dear old year, we open our door and 'welcome in' the New Year.

Do you do that too?

And the sun finally came out in the late afternoon yesterday long enough for me to get my annual photo of the last sunset of 2011.

I wonder if the sunsets will be as spectacular in Tauranga?

Happy New Year!


Hopes Handcrafts said...

Happy New Year Rachel...may it usher in loads of blessings!

Rebekah S. said...

Hi Rachel!

Happy New Year dear friend. The tradition of leaving the door open sounds fun. I've never heard of it. Usually it's too cold during this time to do that along with the snow. We neither have snow or the cold. In fact, yesterday was in the 50's. It's 11pm and now the wind is blowing and we're going to get cold air and a pretty heavy snow storm. It's amazing how quick things can change around Upstate New York.lol

Thank you for sharing your tradition and opening your door to those of us on the net who've called you friend. I can't wait to see what 2012 brings us all.

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