A Christmas Memory-Making Tradition

Monday, December 19, 2011
A few years ago I made a new Christmas tradition for our family. Every year, we buy the children a special Christmas tree ornament. We wrap it up and give it to them about a week out from Christmas and they get to hang it on the tree.

Then, when that auspicious day comes in the far distant future, when they leave our nest to make their own, they have a box full of ornaments with meaning and happy memories to take with them and start their own tree. I love this idea!

So here are the ornaments we got this year;

Hugh - he passed his first piano exam this year.... with distinction! So this ornament seemed appropriate for him.

Meredith loves dogs. She's really an animal girl - so when I saw this decoration I couldn't resist. Isn't it cute!

And here is Theodore's. I don't think he really understood what it was all about, because he was all excited about having a present to open, but when he opened it up he looked puzzled and asked, "is this it?" LOL - but it's such a sweet ornament.

And Alice's ornament is my favourite this year. At night it really sparkles and glistens. Just this last week I was having a cup of tea with a lady who is the wife of a man who was once a government MP, and during his time in parliament they went to a luncheon hosted by Queen Elizabeth. She told me she'd never seen so many real diamonds before and that everytime the Queen made the slightest movement, the diamonds she wore in her tiara and necklace caught the lights and dazzled and sparkled in a way that was unforgettable for my friend. The way this little ornament sparkles reminds me of that story.

This year I took part in a handmade ornament swap - hosted by Sew Funky. I made 6 ornaments, and I receive 6 from my swap partners. So far, I have five of them, and here they are.The crochet one, and the felted angel are my favourites - and the santa with the mask on is holding a little blackboard that you can write on with chalk. This one says, "joy". Isn't that cool!

We do, of course, have a few handmade ornaments made by the children this year - school is great for organising all that!

I love Christmas trees, and I love Christmas traditions. It just puts some of the joy into life, doesn't it!

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