Summer Doings

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I have been a very bad blogger this week. Somehow life just got in the way of blogging - or should that be the other way around?
Anyway, I've been running around here like a hurricane trying to get ready to leave tomorrow for our 2 week holiday to Auckland. You almost need a holiday after getting ready for the holiday!

The hot weather continues unabatted down here in Canterbury, unless you count the very welcome day of rain yesterday, and the children have been having fun outside with water. I did have the Waimakariri Council water man call in on one of those days to remind me that there was a water shortage. He was driving by, and must have seen me out in the garden with a pitiful hose trying to get the ground damp enough to drive my bean stakes in. It was like concrete before that, and there was no way the stakes were going to go in unless I wet the earth. I'm sure if he had looked around and observed the brown, dead grass and the wilting trees and the very obvious lack of greenery he would have realised that I was probably not going over my quota. I want to callt hem the gestapo - but that might be a bit over the top, don't you think? Another day a helicopter swooped low over the house and hovered for awhile, then left. We found out later it is also the council, checking to see that household pools are fenced. But we don't have a pool! We were going to put one in when we built the house (it was on the plans), but ended up advising the council that we decided against it when it was going to cost nearly $100,000 - the fencing being most of that cost. But of course, councils being the inefficient places that they are, they probably didn't take it off their books.

Well - I didn't mean to rant about the council, but really!

I went and got my hair cut on Saturday.My hairdresser knows me well and suggested that I don't get it all layered to start with - just do it gradually. So she took a good 2 inches off the bottom - because it was in a sad state, and layered the bottom of the length of my hair. In 10 weeks I'll go back and get the next stage done, I think! Thank you all for your input. It helped me alot to make up my mind. I do want to take pride in my appearance and look the best I can when you've had four children and approaching 40! Now to just get rid of the baby fat!

We are off to Auckland tomorrow, and looking forward to catching up with family and friends. It is turning out to be a busy, busy family time - but I like that and at the beach house everyone is relaxed and there's no agenda, so it's all fun.
And for all of you who follow the netball - our niece Milly debuted in her first two games this week for the Silver Ferns!

Here are some pictures of the kids enjoying summer in the backyard.

Meredith and her best friend, Susie.

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