
Saturday, January 8, 2011

When you yourself are born with naturally curly hair (and spend the rest of your life wishing for straight), it's only natural to expect that one of your babies might have curls. But it took until the fourth baby to get the genuine article! There'll be no haircuts for this little sweetie for awhile. I love them!

She wasn't very happy with me right at that moment because I denied her going into the pull-out freezer and grabbing her fourth lemonade iceblock of the afternoon!


Leanne said...

ooh curls.
My boy got my curls.

Alice is just growing soo fast.
Soo sweet.

Love Leanne

Hopes Handcrafts said...

No curls here...dd no.2 has think wavy hair that she straightens though! Love the face!

Cate said...

Both my two got curls - but they have a mother and father with curls when there is no hairdryer involved.

Sorry to let you down with the daily blogging - will try to pull my socks up and get going again :-)

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