Little Moments Monday

Monday, December 20, 2010
It has been a roasting hot day here today - my hair is doing things that it does in Auckland! Even my daughter said to me this morning, "Mum! You've got curls in your hair!" Poor child has only ever seen the manufactured straight locks.

Here are the events that have stood out to me today.

* If you go shopping at Christmas time, it's good to go at 9am - there are usually lots of parks.

* Tell your kids BEFORE you go into the grocery store that they won't get any treats if they ask for anything.

* If you have a two year old, do not put chocolate decorations on the Christmas presents under the tree.

* It really makes you feel good about your own chaos if you talk to a friend who is more stressed out about Christmas than you are.

* If you take an hour to make a gift for your son's friend's mother, it means you don't get the ironing done for the day.

* I am feeling anxious because the final of Survivor is not up on Youtube yet. And yes, it's an addiction.

* This summer I have a thing for geraniums. I like their bright, cheery faces, and they remind me of my grandma. And they are red.

* Our mailman is always a bit grumpy at this time of year. I don't know why. I couldn't think of anything nicer than delivering large parcels to people.

* 5 more sleeps until Christmas Day!


Jenny said...

Oh I LOVE geraniums, too... they transport my imagination to the Mediterranean... little villages with narrow cobbled streets and plaster homes with window baskets overflowing with red geraniums - not that I've ever been (yet), but the flowers take me there, somehow :o)

Leanne said...

smile - I loved your post.
Hydrangeas are also becoming my new love. - Another my grandma always had at her backdoor along with red geraniums

Love Leanne XX

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