Saturday, October 19, 2019

I Am (Hopefully) Back to Blogging Again

The great thing about reaching middle age is that you do really find out who you are. It's true what they tell you about that.
You've spent quite a bit of time with yourself by now, and things start becoming clearer. What you like, who you are, how you think, feel, love, respond, what your core values and beliefs are and most importantly, how you want to spend the rest of your life. And maybe even more importantly, how you don't want to spend the rest of your life.

That's what has happened to me.

I've spent the last few years sorting out the past. Dealing with things that needed to be dealt with, and a lot of reflection and self-evaluation. I've learned boundaries. I've learned not to be so gullible. I've become a little cynical. I have learned to trust my judgement and my instincts. I've learned what sort of friend I am and how to find friends that I like and how to cultivate those friendships.

I've also learned that I need to write.
Which is why I'm picking up blogging again.

I have little side projects on the go, and I just finished writing my first academic essay - which I agonised over. Faint echoes of my old teachers telling me to stick to creative writing or fiction and not structural essays lingering in my memory. That I was weak in essay writing- my greatest writing weakness - those words linger in my past.  I have a huge learning curve ahead, but I got my first one written and achieved a B grade, which I'm trying to tell myself is not so bad for my first essay - considering the last time I wrote one was when I was 17 years old and I have a major phobia around them.

I still harbour ambitions of a New Zealand novel - and that may or may not be my summer project while I take a hiatus from Sociology studies. But like it or not. I have to write - and I think that's been my biggest lesson this year. I can't just let it go. I need it.

So, here I am. Back on beloved blogger. It's like an old familiar friend.

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