Friday, March 21, 2014

My Frivolous Fancy

This morning I went shopping.
I needed two things... sunglasses (because I just broke my good pair), and a gift for a friend in America. That was it. Just two things.

But on the way to my destination I  passed a most tempting shop, and there in the window as I swept by, my eye catches a glimpse of a beautiful red bag. A travel bag. I slow my walking pace. I pause. I turn. I hesitate. It looks so stylish. I imagine myself boarding the flight for New Caledonia later this year.... and now there is no resisting. I retrace my steps, enter the shop. Pick it up. And it's mine

Bags are my obsessive compulsive disorder.

Truth be told, I find it extremely difficult to pass over anything that is red.

Bags are my retail weakness.
I know (don't deny it), that every woman has a retail weakness. Something you find it really hard to pass up, even if you don't need it. What is yours?

The most popular are shoes.
I have a friend who can't stop buying bras.
Nail Polish.

My retail obsessive compulsive disorder is bags.
I know that my husband is going to read this blog post sometime today while he is at work, and he will be rolling his eyes right now!

I can't help buying bags.  This is my current everyday handbag. It was my Christmas gift to myself. It has lasted 3 months so far - which is pretty good for me.

This was my favourite bag ever.... until the strap broke.

I have beach bags....

And American brand bags....

And little bags.... (a coin purse is a bag right)?

And waterproof bags....

Bags are my retail therapy weakness.

What is yours?


  1. I think mine is tote bags. Bags to carry my books and papers in. Yes, I think that is it. At least for now.

    Stopping in from Blackberry Rambles. I'll be visiting again.

  2. Books, and at the moment the particular love is recipe books (especially free e-books; I have far too many)!!!!

  3. Love your new bag! Not sure what mine is.....certainly books. Maybe teacups and embroidered linens?
